Naturopathic Skin Support

Holistic skincare for inner healing and an outer glow

We understand that true skin health goes beyond surface-level treatments; it involves a comprehensive understanding of the body's interconnected systems. Our approach integrates all facets of health and is specifically tailored to your body’s individual needs. By addressing the root causes and supporting the body's natural healing processes, we aim to foster lasting clear & healthy skin. Our commitment to holistic skincare ensures not only symptomatic improvements but also transformative & sustainable results that promote skin and whole body health.

our skin story

Trust me when I say I have been where you are right now, struggling with skin issues that completely wear down your self-confidence and feeling like you have nowhere to turn. After going through my own experience with post-pill acne at 24 years old, and working alongside a naturopath & dermal clinician I came to understand the profound benefits of a holistic approach to skincare, integrating both internal and external treatments to support my skin.

I have witnessed firsthand just how well this approach to skincare works to support optimal skin health. This is why I am so passionate about supporting my client’s skin concerns using a root-cause approach. Addressing your unique underlying drivers is key for long-term and sustainable results and working holistically to address all areas impacting your skin health is essential.

If you are struggling with your skin right now, please know you are not alone. There is so much we can do to support your skin using a specifically tailored, root-cause approach to holistic skin care.

How We Support Skin

Our skin is like a window into our inner world, with the little messages our skin gives us through symptoms such as dryness, redness and breakouts being a sign of what may be going on beneath the surface. When supporting clients in clinic, I am always digging deeper to find out what imbalance your skin may be trying to communicate with us.

  • Naturopathy approaches skin health by addressing the underlying factors contributing to skin conditions, taking into account the interconnectedness of the body's systems. Naturopathic methods involve identifying and treating the root cause of skin issues, rather than just alleviating symptoms. This personalised approach to skincare aims to balance the body internally to support the body’s innate healing abilities to promote optimal skin health.

  • A root cause approach involves identifying and addressing the fundamental source or underlying drivers behind your skin concerns, rather than just treating the symptoms. This way of healing delves deeper into the core factors that contribute to your skin issues so we can tailor your treatment to exactly what your body is needing. This way of treating is key for long term and sustainable results.

  • Identifying and addressing the root cause of your skin concerns involves in depth clinical questioning during our 1:1 naturopathic consultations. This allows me to obtain a thorough holistic understanding of what is occurring in your body to determine the type of functional tests we may need to assist us in getting you the answers you deserve. This can look like blood tests, gut microbiome testing and in depth hormonal testing.

  • The answer is dependant on many different factors including how long you have been experiencing skin issues, the cause of your skin issues and your adherence to your plan. However, on average we can begin to see positive changes in your skin around 6-8 weeks, with significant changes in 3-6 months. Results are not guaranteed and are dependant on many different factors. When working holistically, its important to understand that there any many treatment routes so you will never be out of options when it comes to treating your skin & whole body health.

Skin Conditions We Treat

  • Hormonal Acne

  • Post-Pill Acne

  • Gut-Related Acne

  • Eczema

  • Rosacea

  • Perioral Dermatitis


  • Work with Kayla 1:1 for tailored support to address your skin concerns using a root cause approach. Appointments available online Australia wide as well as in clinic (Mt Waverley).


  • Looking to dip your toes into naturopathic care. Have Kayla analyse your blood tests results to identifying any imbalances & provide you with a tailored plan to optimise your levels.


  • The free guide on how to support your skin from the inside out for long-term & sustainable results. These are the foundations of health we use to support our clients in clinic with their skin.


Inner Glow Tea

This thoughtfully curated blend of burdock root, nettle leaf, spearmint, red clover, calendula and lemongrass may help to clear congested skin, balance hormones, soothe digestion and aid in gentle detoxification to promote clear, hydrated and glowing skin from within.

Certified Organic & Vegan