The Blood Test Analysis Package


Have you been told by your GP your bloods are fine, but you feel far from fine!? It’s time for a second opinion!

By having your blood tests assessed by Kayla, who is trained in functional testing, she can look a little deeper to understand what your body is trying to tell you. Unlike doctors who use broad reference ranges, Kayla understands that even if your results fall within the normal ranges, they may not be optimal for supporting your health.

She will never tell you everything is fine if you are not feeling fine! We strive to find you the answers you deserve! Imagine the peace of mind and confidence that comes from knowing you’re giving your body exactly what it needs. No guess work, no generic recommendations - just a personalised plan to support your overall health and wellbeing.

What’s Included in the Package:

1. Detailed Analysis Report:

Receive a comprehensive report that outlines any imbalances or nutrient deficiencies identified in your blood test results. All tests are analysis by our expert naturopath, Kayla, using evidence-based functional reference ranges, focusing on health optimisation. This in-depth analysis will provide you with valuable insights into your overall well-being and guide you towards making informed choices for a healthier you.

2. Clear Explanations:

Understanding your blood test results can be overwhelming. That's why we provide detailed explanations on what each test means and how it impacts your health and well-being. Say goodbye to confusion and gain clarity about your unique nutritional requirements.

3. Personalised Nutrition and Supplement Recommendations:

Based on your individual blood test results, you will be provided tailored nutrition and supplement recommendations. Whether you need to increase specific nutrients or adjust your diet, we'll guide you every step of the way. You'll receive precise information on foods, nutrients, dosages, and even recipe ideas to help you reclaim optimal health.

Fast and Efficient Service:

We understand the importance of timely results, which is why we strive to deliver within a quick turnaround time of 3-5 business days. Take action sooner and start optimising your health without unnecessary delays.

Two Easy Options for Getting Started:

1. Email Your Recent Blood Test Results:

If you have had blood tests conducted within the last 6 months, simply email your most recent results to along with your full name and order number. We will swiftly process your analysis and get back to you with your detailed report.

2. Order The General Health Blood Test:

If you don't have recent blood test results, no worries! You can conveniently order a pathology request through Instant Scripts - I recommend the General Health Blood Test. This test panel provides you with accurate insights into your nutritional status. If you are looking for a little extra, we highly recommend including Vitamin D! We've partnered with Instant Scripts to offer you a discount code for a seamless experience. For more information on how to order your tests and to access the discount code, click here.

  • For best results, blood tests should be performed first thing in the morning and fasted (between 8-12 hours). Supplements containing iron and B12 should be avoid 3 days before the test for accurate results.

Note: The Blood Test Analysis Package is not a substitute for a 1:1 consultation with Kayla and advice is general and only based on your test results, not your whole health picture.

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