It’s time to find you the answers to your gut & skin concerns!

This consultation & testing package was designed for those ready to find the answers to their gut & skin concerns. Our gut and our skin are intrinsically linked via our gut-skin axis. Oftentimes I see clients having issues with their skin and when we dig a little deeper we find that their gut is playing a significant role. This is where microbiome testing can be so beneficial for understanding the root cause of your skin concerns.

What’s Included:

1 x Initial Consultation

1 x Complete Microbiome Map Test Kit (read more here)

1 x Review Consultation

What’s Involved:

In this 60 minute consultation, we will be exploring all aspects of your skin and gut health and identifying your specific health needs and goals so we can better interpret your gut test results when they arrive. You will leave this session with your referral for your Complete Microbiome Map Test along with any other testing recommendations that may relevant (eg. blood tests). We will arrange a review consultation to go through your test results once they arrive along with your personalised treatment plan that outlines the steps needed to reach your gut and/or skin goals and any personalised treatments that can help us along the way (receive a bonus 10% off recommended supplements).


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